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Our offer



Our Principal Consultant, Leif Betzholtz, is one of Sweden’s most experienced IT Managers and Consultants. He has primarily worked in the Food Industry, addressing operational and management issues in the areas of Production, Distribution and Logistics and Customer Service. Literate in B-2-B and ECR best practices, Leif has deep knowledge of the issues and challenges associated with systems integration in general and the replacement of legacy in-house systems with package systems specifically. 

In reforming Consultor, Leif offers a wide range of services within the arenas of IT management and marketing.

Driving Shorter Assignments
Since Leif has experienced being both consultant manager and line manager with responsibility for evaluating consultants and software, he can add value to either side of this relationship. His involvement will lead to shorter ‘buying-side’ assignments, such as the evaluation of a supplier or a major software installation project, and the associated negotiations and drawing of agreements. On the ‘selling-side’, Leif can act as a shrewd and effective Key Account Manager.

 IT Executive "for hire"
Leif has managed many IT functions, programs and consultants. He is well-versed in and used to talking “IT” to "non-IT" executives and management, which is often the core requirement of a CIO or IT Executive. He has wide experience of complex software (ERP) evaluations and implementations, and he is also familiar with the normal day-to-day work of a midsize to large IT department. This makes him useful as IT Manager or assistant CIO in organisations with a short to medium term deficit in executive and management skills. 

Marketing and Selling
Leif has developed a food industry / retail sector expertise, as a result of his numerous career assignments.  These have exposed Leif to supply chain, marketing and sales disciplines and concepts, making him a truly valuable ‘hybrid’ consultant.  Leif is thus uniquely placed to advise or consult around software and consultancy selection in the retail / food industry.  Alternatively, this expertise would be of particular value to software / consulting organisations seeking to penetrate the Swedish retail market place.

 Program Management
When implementing a comprehensive package system in a complex organisation, there is need for a program manager capable of keeping all pieces of the program together, from start to finish. Someone also capable of understanding the importance of the technical issues and their relations with and impact on business processes and responsible for making ‘all the fish in the shoal swim in the same and right direction’.  Leif has proven expertise in this field!

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